- info@wt-it.com.pk
- +92 3247 1971-2
Process Design AND Re-engineering
Our systems are engineered to accommodate the complex business processes and procedures employed in institutions incorporated in Pakistan.
System Automation
Our systems are already developed, deployed, and operating error free in financial institutions with 15 to 100 user networks.Clean Design.
Data Migration
Our team has conducted significant number of successful data migrations where the current data of the company is brought up to date.
Risk Management
Our systems employ online and real time risk management modules, utilising graphic interfaces, which allow our clients to minimise their exposure at transaction time.
Concepts And Design
Our systems employ international standards of Automated Internal Controls and Security, Latest techniques for on line updates with drill down technology;.
To achieve optimum benchmarking our distributed applications are designed and developed utilising Client-Server technology, employing multi-tier platform architecture, components.